Research in Carers of Stroke Survivors

An invitation to do an online mindfulness-based course for stroke carers 

Are you over 18 years old and caring for an adult family member or friend who has suffered a stroke? 

My name is Amanda Langé. I am a trainee clinical psychologist at the University of Surrey. I have developed a four-week online mindfulness-based course to support the well-being of stroke carers, as I know that being a carer can be stressful. This is for a research project which I would like to invite you to take part in.

“Mindfulness” refers to the skill of paying purposeful and non-judgemental attention to the present moment. Research suggests that practicing mindfulness can help with a range of problems and improve wellbeing. 

Taking part in this study would involve completing the course online, from any place you find convenient. This includes reading some brief introductory materials about mindfulness once a week, and listening to guided mindfulness practices daily for approximately 10 – 20 minutes. You would also be required to fill in some questionnaires at various time points.  

If you’re interested and would like further information about taking part, please contact me via telephone: 075 0217 0435 or via email: The study has received ethical approval from the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences’ ethics committee at the University of Surrey. 

Participation is entirely voluntary, but your contribution would be highly valued.

Recruitment for this research has now come to an end.


11:20, 27 Jun 2018 by Jo Cocup