Carers' Support and Resource Hub

Carers told us that they prefer to be able to access support in a variety of ways i.e. face to face, phone, virtual and digital.

Our carers support and resources hub directs you to a range of services providing both in-person and online, anytime access to 'coping with caring' information, advice, lived experience content and training resources.

Connected Kingston is a site dedicated to helping Kingston residents find local activities and navigate local services. Visit

KCN offers free one to one counselling which is provided by both fully BACP qualified counsellors, and trainee counsellors, who are independently supervised.

Find our more about KCN and the services we offer all in one place.

This lunch club enables carers of people with dementia to meet up with others in a similar situation over lunch.

Many of our male carers have said that they felt they would benefit from access to an all-male support group and so we have launched the KCN Men’s Group: a group for our male carers to get together, meeting online and in person.

This support group is for parents and carers of adults who are neurodivergent.

This support group is for carers of people with a mental health condition or mental ill health.

This support group is for parents and carers of children with ADHD, autism or additional needs. The group is online via Zoom at the request of the current attendees.

AbilityNet have gathered together some of the major price comparison sites that may help you get the best deals, along with some lesser known sites and apps that may be able to save you money.

If you are older or disabled, or if you support someone that is, you can receive free, independent advice from a technology expert either by phone or in person.

Kingston Carers' Network are working with The Bridge to offer carers free access to a telephone befriending service for 18 to 65 year olds.

Kingston Carers' Network are delighted to be able to refer our carers to Carefree for a one or two night break. The short breaks initiative is designed to give you some time away from your caring responsibilities

Kingston Hospital can provide passports for relatives of patients with dementia, delirium or learning disability, or relatives visiting someone who is end of life. The passport allows families to visit their loved ones outside of normal visiting for compassionate and therapeutic reasons.

Carers Trust works to transform the lives of unpaid carers. It partners with its network of local carer organisations, like KCN, to provide funding and support, deliver innovative and evidence-based programmes and raise awareness and influence policy.

The Carers UK online forum is a community of people who know exactly how you feel. They may be strangers – at first – but you'll be surprised how sharing an experience, a problem or just having a good old rant to a fellow carer can make a world of difference.

Are you worried about how to cope with cost of living increases? CAK have information and advice to help you. However bleak things seem, it is never too late to ask for help and whilst there are no magic wands, there are some things you can do to help make things a bit better.

Connected Kingston is a site dedicated to helping Kingston residents find local activities and navigate local services. Their goal is to help residents of Kingston stay happy, healthy and connected to each other.

Mental Health Crisis Breathing Space giving people in problem debt the right to legal protections from their creditors.

The Dementia Information Service guides you through the time after a dementia diagnosis, which can be difficult. The emails can support you if you have just found out, or accepted, that you or a loved one has dementia.

A forum for older carers to chat to like-minded people about their situations and issues.

Expert energy advisors who provide advice and support for Londoners; helping you stay warm and save money on your home energy bills. This charity offers free consultations online, over the phone and in-person.

Kingston LGBTQ+ Forum host a variety of events including social evenings, yoga sessions and virtual pub quizzes which are perfect if you are unable to leave the person you care for.

Kingston Mencap run a group for unpaid family carers who support a person with a learning disability.

The Kingston Stronger Together Support Hub is helping Kingston residents who cannot leave their home due to COVID-19 and need extra help on top of what friends, family, trusted neighbours and other local services are providing.

If you spend a lot of time caring for another person it can sometimes feel like you lose track of your own plan in life. Learning for Living is designed to help you identify and articulate the unique and too often undervalued skills you've gained from your experience of caring.

How to search and explore the internet, keep in touch with email, and use public services online - all while being safe and secure.

A comprehensive A -Z guide to caring covering the key practical, emotional and financial support for carers.

Given the demands of a caring role, this free course looks at ways to start incorporating physical activity into everyday life. By the end of the course you will have strategies that will help you to understand how to support and improve your wellbeing.

Online community for parents and carers of disabled children or adults.

Fun and relaxed online sessions where visiting speakers share tips and skills on a range of subjects including yoga, singing, first aid and photography!

Sidekick is a confidential helpline for young carers in the UK.

If someone you care for is dying or has died, this is the forum to share experiences, ask questions and chat to people who understand.

The CBF Facebook group is open to family carers of children and adults with severe learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges.

A welcoming, warm space open 7 days a week with a café selling low-cost hot drinks, cakes and simple lunches.

Video guides to help you to sign up and join video calls and meetings.