Workshops to help Carers Trust involve carers more meaningfully in its work

Carers Trust wants to involve unpaid carers more meaningfully in its work. Carers Trust sees this as important to strengthening the authenticity of its work
and ensure that what we do truly reflect what carers need. Carers Trust are working with another charity called New Philanthropy Capital (NPC) to help us develop a shared and consistent approach to involvement andparticipation of unpaid carers across Carers Trust at an organisational level.

Carers Trust would like to invite carers (aged 18 or over) to two online sessions. If carers would like to attend both, that is great, if they would like to attend one or theother, that is great too. So that we can make sure we are spreading the opportunity over as many carers as we can, Carers Trust will confirm nearer the
time who will attend.

To register your interest, complete this form:

Session 1 (Monday 4 October, morning, exact time to be confirmed, 1 hour) will explore the scope and parameters for the new Carers Trust involvement
approach. During the session we will explore:

what carers would like to see carer involvement achieve at Carers Trust and for carers.

where carers see value in more involvement and how they would expect this to impact Carers Trust.

what Carers Trust would need to do to support carers to input in the ways discussed.

There will be two NPC facilitators and 1 or 2 staff from Carers Trust who will not provide input as participants but provide support to unpaid carers in the session
should they need it. The session will be designed so that participants feel encouraged to share their views and make comments. There will be a group of 68 carers in the session. A facilitator will ask a number of questions to the group for you to respond to and discuss with other participants. The facilitators take
notes of the discussion,and your feedback will inform future sessions with Carers Trust staff and the design of the final approach.

Important note for participants: Please note that your responses will remain anonymous and not be attributed to individuals. No names will be included in the
written output. Your participation is voluntary. This means you can choose

whether or not to participate in the session and take breaks or withdraw at any
time during the course of the session.

Session 2 (Wednesday 27 October 9.30-1)Carers Trust staff and carerswill
build options for Carers Trust’s approach, aims, principles, and possible
processes and practices for carer involvement. We will also aim to come to a
shared understanding of what Carers Trust and carers are trying to achieve
together and build a sense of ownership of the emerging approach. During the
session we will seek to:

Agree the intended outcomes of involvement and the vision
Explore and agreeing key principles of user involvement at Carers Trust
Explore differentprocesses and practices across Carers Trust (where
carers could be involved, pros and cons of different options and trade-
offs to consider, and support needed to enable changes and how to
ensure the greatest benefit for carers in participating)
Explore how gradual changes and progress could be planned over 1, 3 and
5 years, as the organisation learns about what works well and less well for
carers and staff.

The session will not lead to final decisions about the approach however, it will
explore different options and their pros and cons, which can then be analysed
and used to decide on the approach in subsequent phases and into 2022. These
decisions may also be influenced by Carers Trust’s new strategy.
What to expect from the workshop: the session is designed to be very
interactive with two NPC staff facilitating. There will be discussions, individual
work and work in groups, and all members of the group will be encouraged to
play an active role and will have the chance to contribute their views.
Groundrules for the discussion: We will ask you to listen to what everyone has
to say, and respect and value their contributions. There are no right or wrong
answers. If you need to take a break at any time you should feel free to turn off
your camera and microphone and take as long as you need.
Please note that your responses will remain anonymous and not be attributed to
individuals. No names will be included in the written output. Your participation is
voluntary. This means you can choose whether or not to participate in the
session andtake breaks or withdraw at any time during the course of the
What happens after the workshops? Carers Trust will keep in touch with you
and let you know what happens next.

To register your interest, complete this form:
12:51, 24 Sep 2021 by Jo Maye